Funny Happy Birthday Messages

Funny Happy Birthday Messages

One more year added now, so it’s better to remain over the ground rather than remaining under that. Wishing you a happy birthday.
  1. So, it’s another birthday with you. Statistics prove that those who have earned more birthdays, have lived the longest life in the earth.
  2. People often compare birthdays with boogers. Because, with the increase of its number, people find breathing harder.
  3. Happy 16th Birthday, Sweetie! After digging out your old baby photo albums, I found the cutest picture of you wearing nothing but socks and a smile! I wished you happy birthday on your Facebook and Instagram. I couldn’t figure out how to upload the darn photo on Twitter. I hope you have a great day! I love you!
  4. Do you want to eat some ice cream? Come on, how about some chocolate cake? I never see you anymore. Come out the door. Come on let’s go and make a wish! Don’t tell me to ‘let it go’ because your birthday comes only once a year. We used to be best buddies but now we’re not. Do I really smell that bad? I want to wish you happy birthday, to your face. Not from behind a door.
  5. One must not simply wish someone a happy birthday, one must shout it from the rooftops, start a conga line in the middle of town, resurrect Julia Child to bake a triple layer ice cream cake!
  6. I would like to wish you a politically correct birthday so I won’t encourage overindulgence of alcohol, getting less than the recommended 9 hours of sleep, or listening to excessively loud rock music…..but happy birthday, even if all the fun has been sucked out of it!
  7. If you’re having vanilla cake I would like some ice cream… but on the side. If it’s chocolate cake, no ice cream. If you’re having vanilla and chocolate marble cake, I would like the ice cream served on top of the cake. If there’s no cake, than just a scoop of chocolate ice cream. Happy Birthday to a friend that always goes above and beyond!!
  8. I don’t want to grow up, I’m a Toys “R” Us kid. If you are now singing the end of this magical verse, you are most certainly an 80s kid. Happy Birthday to my NKOTB loving, neon scrunchy wearing, slap bracelet collecting friend.
  9. Earlier I wished that your entire wish comes true this year. Then I thought that if your all dreams come true this year. Then there will be no dream left for Next year.
  10. This is your special day. Spend it with a smile and make it remember able. Because once it was gone it will come after one year.
  11. Have you checked the number of candle on your birthday cake? You have to blow the entire candle by sniffing. Ha ha ha. Happy Birthday, Candle King!
  12. You get an awesome feeling when your loved one wishes you the way you want on your Bday. Happy A hilarious Birthday.
  13. On your birthday, don’t count the candles on your cake or wrinkles on the face. You will be shocked. Just be glad that you are not down for the count.
  14. wo older men sit on a park bench. One says, “Joe, I’m 84 years old, and I have nothing but aches and pains. How do you feel?” Joe says, “I feel like a newborn babe!” “Really, a newborn babe?” “Yes! I have no teeth, no hair, and I think I might’ve wet my pants!” Happy birthday!
  15. Listen, I hate to be the one to do this, but you need to get your birthday habit under control. It’s been scientifically proven that too many birthdays will, in fact, kill you. So give it a rest will you?
  16. Happy birthday! Want to feel young and thin again? Let’s go hang out with a bunch of old and fat people.
  17. Best Friends are meant to share everything with each other. So, I am celebrating and sharing your Birthday like, it’s my own birthday. It is the day of celebrating the day of Friendship! Happy Birthday buddy!
  18. My dearest friend, I know that you will love the gift I have bought you for tonight, but knowing your craving for sugar, you will probably be too busy stuffing your face with your own birthday to appreciate it. Happy birthday!
  19. Remembering all the dumb stuff we’ve done throughout the years, I’m considering myself lucky you still are alive to celebrate another year of being reckless. But that is what makes you yourself, so never stop doing dumb stuff with me, my friend. Happy birthday!
  20. You are always with me whatever the situation is. I am so much excited to spend this birthday with yours. Your birthday is going to truly special.
  21. I promise when you get old and forgetful I won’t let you forget to wash your hands after you pee or feed the cat food to your cat and not yourself. Happy Birthday, Mother!
  22. Today I found a clown inside you! I’m just kidding! You bring so much of happiness in my life and you are the most special person in my life. Wishing you a very happy Birthday.
  23. Congratulations on finally reaching the snapdragon phase of your life: one part of you has snapped, and the other part of you is dragging. Happy birthday!
  24. You hate your birthday because you are getting older and peoples are gifting you scary cards with spooky messages and you are getting older. Happy Bday funny wishes are only for you my friend.
  25. I know it’s tough not being able to see the toppings of your birthday cake due to it all being covered in candles, both that and the fact that old age has diminished your eyesight, but rejoice! At least retirement is coming soon! Happy birthday you antique!
  26. Historically, gifts were given to the friends of the birthday boy. It was a commonly held belief that birthdays were a perfect time to show appreciation to friends who’ve stayed loyal during the previous year. I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy, but don’t feel that you’re under any pressure. Just sayin’.
  27. Happy Birthday, my friend. I’m feeling nostalgic, so let’s relive our “glory days” go out and inflict further damage to our livers, shall we? We’re still young aren’t we, my friend? Now, get your orthopedic shoes on and let’s dance!
  28. They say that the older you get, the smarter you become. Yet, we still keep on doing the same stupid things we were doing as kids. So I guess we are the exception to that rule. Happy birthday, pal!
  29. Don’t consider the fact you are getting old a bad thing. I mean, how many people have you met that can beat you up with their own walking stick if you insult them? If anything, you’re just cooler than ever before! Happy birthday!

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