Funny Happy Birthday Messages For Brother

Funny Happy Birthday Messages For Brother

  1. You may get on my nerves, but now that you’re older, you can at least make up for it. Happy Birthday, baby bro!
  2. To the baby that made my heart beat . . . every time he got into an accident because Mom would always blame me, Wonderful Birthday little brother!
  3. Happy Birthday little brother, wishing you a glorious day, an awesome day! May God continue to bless you ten folds with long life, health strength, happiness and love enjoy it, sweetie, it’s your day rejoice!
  4. I would like to my wonderful caring little brother in law a very happy birthday. I hope you have a great day.
  5. You growing up is such a surprise as it was only yesterday you were in diapers, baby brother. Best Birthday
  6. Growing up, you were always the good child. I’m glad there was one of us! Thanks for being the yang to my yin, little brother. Wonderful Birthday!
  7. You’re supposed to find younger brothers irritating, and I did but you weren’t so bad. Wonderful Birthday, little rascal!
  8. When you open your presents today, know that I got you what you wanted because you’re my favorite in the family. Also because you’re the only sibling I have. Happy Birthday!
  9. The best little brother in the world birthday is today!
  10. On your special day of birth, we want to say thanks to the young man who will always be our baby.

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